To move cryptocurrencies out from the early adopters and investment speculators and into mainstream everyday users, cryptocurrencies will require cryptobanking services. Only once a person can use cryptocurrency in the same way that they can use any other currency, will all of the benefits of cryptocurrency, such as lower transaction costs, speed of payment, removal of national boundaries and so on, become real. There are already 3m daily users of cryptocurrencies, a number that is expected to exceed 200m by 20256. The demand exists now and will grow at an annual CAGR of ~70% for the foreseeable future.
The potential to satisfy this disconnect is perhaps the most exciting banking development of the past 100 years and the prize for those that are successful is a place on the global banking landscape at a rate of growth and worldwide presence that could never be matched by any traditional banking development plan.
The Crypterium Cryptobank will be a first step in satisfying this demand. It will be made available for download via the IOS or android marketplace and be ready-to-use on mobile devices immediately. Unlike conventional mobile banks that take weeks to process and issue cards, the Crypterium Cryptobank provides an instant processing engine for both fiat and Crypto based currency
transactions while enabling inter-changeability between the two. With Crypterium’s digital bank customers will finally be able to use cryptocurrencies to pay for fiat based goods without transaction limits and with low commission on any of the world’s existing 42 million payment terminals and many internet stores and payment points. Crypterium’s technology platform is based on algorithms that allow for the most efficient bid-offer matching across natural peer-to-peer flow as well as third party Crypto-exchanges. This will be quickly followed by a range of complimentary banking services from simple Peer to Peer payments to Cryptocurrency backed lending.Crypterium can provide the banking needs of the Cryptocurrency era.

Contactless payment solutions are actively developing. The growth in the capitalization of such technologies is projected at several trillion dollars! And thanks to the development of blocking and crypto-economics, it will be reasonable to combine such payments and this trend, using all their advantages: security, openness, accessibility anywhere in the world!

The current technology of banking services takes a lot of time: issue of a card, delays in transfers, no anonymity, insufficient data protection. Cryptotechnology practically solves all these costs and problems. The number of users of crypto-currency and crypto-coils increases at a high rate: I downloaded the application from Appstore or from other resources and everything is ready to be said.

But while everyone will go to pay cryptotenes, people need to pay for purchases in Fiat, and sometimes the exchange can take a lot of time depending on the load of transactions, or when searching for a more profitable course!
But just now a wonderful project called Crypterium Cryptobank appears on the market, which will be the first step in meeting this demand. Their application can be easily downloaded to IoS or Android.
Unlike conventional mobile banks, Crypterium Cryptobank will provide an instant processing mechanism for both crypto currency and Fiat.

Unlike conventional mobile banks, Crypterium Cryptobank will provide an instant processing mechanism for both crypto currency and Fiat.

What can I do with their application, unlike mobile banks and other crypto-currency wallets:
- will be able to use crypto-currencies to pay for goods based on fiat without transaction
limits and with a low commission on any of the world's existing 42 million payment terminals and many online shops and payment centers - allow to provide the most effective comparison of bid-rates between the natural peer-to-peer flow, and also the third person Crypto-exchanges, that is the instant most profitable exchange-selection of crypto-currency for Fiat
This platform is currently in beta testing, and will be ready for release at the end of Q1 at the beginning of the second quarter of 2018. Crypterium will sell up to 210,000,000 CRPT tokens at an initial market value of 0.0001 Bitcoin to CRPT.
The Crypterium team has many years of experience in creating financial and mobile payment solutions, including the creation and launch of one of the most important and award-winning contactless payment platform in Eastern Europe PayQR.

Crypterium will allow to optimize the process of exchanging crypto-currencies and better inform the client about possible payment options, for example, it can allocate various payment ratios depending on the current valuation. In all ways, the client will get a better deal! Cryptoactive assets and currencies are contained in digital smart purses.

For business, Crypterium Cryptobank will become a specialized mobile solution that can be applied to all sectors. What functions are included there:
- Exchange of crypto-currencies
- Transaction history
- Manage payment details
- Filtering by currency, payment time, methods of purchase
- New connections to the store
- Individual loyalty programs and cashback
According to statistics, more than 70% of payment items are equipped with QR-payment solutions, which, in turn, support the most popular applications of Alipay and WeChat. With the support of Crypterium, such massive use can easily spread to crypto-currencies, for any trader anywhere in the world. For this you need only a gadget and Internet access!
Crypterium offers potential users of the Cryptobank platform the right to pre-purchase their own CRPT-token through the ICO, which begins on October 31, 2017. CRPT is based on the decentralized standard ERC20 marker.
The CRPT Tokens are valid for an indefinite period and are the property of their respective owners.
Crypterium is registered in accordance with the legislation of the European Union, its head office is in Tallinn, Estonia,
Crypterium is registered in accordance with the legislation of the European Union, its head office is in Tallinn, Estonia,
The project is very promising, join, participate in ICO and bounty campaign. All the information you can find on the links below! Thank you for reading this article.
ICO will start today in few hours. It has №37 in TOP-50 digital banks, very usable official web page. Also there is fine info front from Coinspeaker, Cryptoninjas and so on. This project has an ambitious Russian surnamed team and skilled advisors from over the world.
Bounty Program
We hare happy to announce the Crypterium Official Bounty Program
3% of the total supply will be allocated to the Crypterium Bounty Program.
The program will run until the end of the token sale ( scheduled on the January 18th 2018)
Bounty Allocation
Campaign 1 : Bitcointalk Signature - 50%
Campaign 2 : Translation & Moderation - 25%
Campaign 3 : Media, Videos, Forums & Blog Posts - 15%
Campaign 4 : Twitter - 10%
General Terms
- The bounty campaigns starts at the moment of creation of this thread
- 3% is allocated to the bounty, the amount of rewards will depend on the token sale results
- The Bounty Manager can make slight changes in the Bounty Campaign if deemed necessary
- If your rank change during the campaign, PM the Bounty Manager Aerys2
- Using multi-accounts, cheating, using someone else to do the work and spamming or any kind of unethical behavior when participating to one of the campaigns are not allowed and will get you disqualified from all bounties.
Bitcointalk Signature
Stakes allocation for each rank :
Full Member: 4 stakes/day
Sr Member: 6 stakes/day
Hero/Legendary: 10 stakes/day
Instructions to participate :
- Add the signature corresponding to your rank level and the avatar and personal text
- Fill this Google form form
- Notify in this thread once you have the signature, avatar and personal text on
Rules :
- Participants have to be at least Full Member, do not apply if you are not at least Full Member- Signature, avatar and personal have to be kept until the end of the token sale (you will be notified on this thread when you can remove it, do not remove it until further instructions )
- A minimum of 15 meaningful posts per week must be made. 2 weeks without posting the minimum of 15 posts a week will get you disqualified. Off-topic, spam and burst posts will not be counted
- Posts must have a minimum length of 80 characters
- Posts are counted every sunday
- If you rank changes during the campaign, notify me.
- Accounts with negative trust from DT-2 or DT-1 are not allowed to enroll
- This Signature Bounty is limited to 100 participants only !
Check your participation status here

Personal Message
Crypterium - Digital Mobile Cryptobank For Everyone
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▐ █ CRYPTERIUM █ ▌▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
▐ █ Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform █ ▌
▀ ANN Thread ▀ Twitter ▀ Telegram ▀ Facebook ▀ Whitepaper ▀
[font=arial][b][url=https://crypterium.io/][color=#001859]▀[color=#05205e]▀[color=#092763]▀[color=#0e2f69]▀[color=#12366e]▀[color=#1b4678]▀[color=#204d7e]▀[color=#255583]▀ [color=#2e648d]▀[color=#326c92]▀ [color=#3b7b9d]▀ [color=#448aa7]▀ [color=#4e99b2]▀ [color=#57a9bc]▀ [color=#60b8c7]▀ [color=#69c7d1]▀[color=#001859]▐ [color=#69c7d1]█[u] [/u][color=#001859][font=arial black]CRYPTERIUM[/font][color=#69c7d1][u] [/u][color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌[color=#69c7d1]▀ [color=#60b8c7]▀ [color=#57a9bc]▀ [color=#4e99b2]▀ [color=#448aa7]▀ [color=#3b7b9d]▀ [color=#326c92]▀[color=#2e648d]▀ [color=#255583]▀[color=#204d7e]▀[color=#1b4678]▀ [color=#12366e]▀[color=#0e2f69]▀[color=#092763]▀[color=#05205e]▀[color=#001859]▀
[color=#001859]▐ [color=#69c7d1]█[u] [/u][color=#001859]D[color=#021b5b]i[color=#041f5e]g[color=#062260]i[color=#082662]t[color=#0a2965]a[color=#0c2d67]l [color=#10336c]C[color=#13376e]r[color=#153a71]y[color=#173e73]p[color=#194175]t[color=#1b4578]o[color=#1d487a]b[color=#1f4b7c]a[color=#214f7f]n[color=#235281]k [color=#275986]W[color=#295d88]i[color=#2b608a]t[color=#2d638d]h [color=#316a91]C[color=#336e94]r[color=#367196]e[color=#387599]d[color=#3a789b]i[color=#3c7c9d]t [color=#4082a2]T[color=#4286a4]o[color=#4489a7]k[color=#468da9]e[color=#4890ab]n [color=#4c97b0]& [color=#509eb5]O[color=#52a1b7]p[color=#54a5b9]e[color=#56a8bc]n [color=#5bafc1]P[color=#5db2c3]l[color=#5fb6c5]a[color=#61b9c8]t[color=#63bdca]f[color=#65c0cc]o[color=#67c4cf]r[color=#69c7d1]m[u] [/u][color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌[/url]
[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2214098][color=#001859]ANN Thread[/url] [color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://twitter.com/crypterium][color=#55ADEE]Twitter[/url] [color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://t.me/crypterium][color=#1C94D1]Telegram[/url] [color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://www.facebook.com/crypterium.io][color=#3C5A9A]Facebook[/url] [color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://crypterium.io/wp][color=#001859]Whitepaper[/url] [color=#69c7d1]▀
[/center]ps://crypterium.io/wp[color=#001859]Whitepaper[/url] [color=#69c7d1]▀
[size=7pt][color=#001859]▀[color=#041f5e]▀[color=#082562]▀[color=#0c2c67]▀[color=#10336b]▀[color=#143a70]▀[color=#184075]▀[color=#1c4779]▀[color=#204e7e]▀ [color=#285b87]▀ [color=#306990]▀ [color=#39769a]▀ [color=#4184a3]▀ [color=#4991ac]▀ [color=#519fb5]▀ [color=#59acbf]▀ [color=#61bac8]▀ [color=#69c7d1]▀[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][url=https://crypterium.io/][font=monoscape][size=2px]
[color=#001859][color=transparent]░░░░░░░░░░[/color]▀▀▀▀▀▀[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://crypterium.io/][font=calibri][size=14pt][b][color=#001859]Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform
[size=7pt][color=#001859]▀[color=#031c5c]▀[color=#05215f]▀[color=#082562]▀[color=#0a2965]▀[color=#0d2d68]▀ [color=#12366d]▀[color=#143a70]▀[color=#173e73]▀[color=#1a4376]▀ [color=#1f4b7c]▀[color=#214f7f]▀[color=#245482]▀ [color=#295c88]▀[color=#2c618b]▀ [color=#316991]▀ [color=#367296]▀ [color=#3b7a9c]▀ [color=#4083a2]▀ [color=#458ba8]▀ [color=#4a94ae]▀ [color=#4f9cb4]▀ [color=#55a5ba]▀ [color=#5aadbf]▀ [color=#5fb6c5]▀ [color=#64becb]▀ [color=#69c7d1]▀ [size=12pt]Cryptobank for Cryptopeople[/td][td][/td][td][size=12pt][color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌
[color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌[/td][td][font=arial][size=8pt][b][color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://twitter.com/crypterium][color=#001859]Twitter[/url]
[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://t.me/crypterium][color=#001859]Telegram[/url]
[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://www.facebook.com/crypterium.io][color=#001859]Facebook[/url][/td][td][/td][td][font=arial][size=8pt][b][color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2214098][color=#001859]ANN Thread[/url]
[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://crypterium.io/wp][color=#001859]Whitepaper[/url]
[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://crypterium.io/][color=#001859]Website[/url][/td]
[size=7pt][color=#001859]▀[color=#041f5e]▀[color=#082562]▀[color=#0c2c67]▀[color=#10336b]▀[color=#143a70]▀[color=#184075]▀[color=#1c4779]▀[color=#204e7e]▀ [color=#285b87]▀ [color=#306990]▀ [color=#39769a]▀ [color=#4184a3]▀ [color=#4991ac]▀ [color=#519fb5]▀ [color=#59acbf]▀ [color=#61bac8]▀ [color=#69c7d1]▀[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][url=https://crypterium.io/][font=monoscape][size=2px]
[color=#001859][color=transparent]░░░░░░░░░░[/color]▀▀▀▀▀▀[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://crypterium.io/][font=calibri][size=14pt][b][color=#69C7D1][glow=#001859,1][color=transparent].[/color]Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform[color=transparent].[/color][/glow]
[size=7pt][color=#001859]▀[color=#031c5c]▀[color=#05215f]▀[color=#082562]▀[color=#0a2965]▀[color=#0d2d68]▀ [color=#12366d]▀[color=#143a70]▀[color=#173e73]▀[color=#1a4376]▀ [color=#1f4b7c]▀[color=#214f7f]▀[color=#245482]▀ [color=#295c88]▀[color=#2c618b]▀ [color=#316991]▀ [color=#367296]▀ [color=#3b7a9c]▀ [color=#4083a2]▀ [color=#458ba8]▀ [color=#4a94ae]▀ [color=#4f9cb4]▀ [color=#55a5ba]▀ [color=#5aadbf]▀ [color=#5fb6c5]▀ [color=#64becb]▀ [color=#69c7d1]▀ [color=#001859][size=12pt]Cryptobank for Cryptopeople[/td][td][/td][td][size=12pt][color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌
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[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://crypterium.io/wp][color=#001859]Whitepaper[/url]
[color=#69c7d1]▀ [url=https://crypterium.io/][color=#001859]Website[/url][/td]
Translation and moderation
Stakes for each task :
Announcement thread translation : 100 stakes
Post from the thread author with a relevant news shared ( check for news on the official twitter/telegram/thread/ website for official news) : 20 stakes
Bonus if your thread has more than 1000 views : 50 stakes
Instructions to participate :
- Fill this Google form
- Notify in this thread when your translation is done, providing a link of the translation.
- A single post dead thread will get you disqualified and you may have a 50% penalty for very rare updates.
- One reservation per person
- Google Translator ( or other similar tools) work, bad quality work will get you disqualified, apply only if you are able to provide a high quality translation in the requested language.
- Will be counted only the posts bringing a relevant and new update, no spam or repeated unnecessary posts allowed.
- You have to provide an answer for any questions asked in your local thread, contact the team if you have doubts about an answer.
- Translations have to be posted only on Bitcointalk, no other forums.
- Wait for your approval in green to begin the work
- You have 6 days to finish your translation from the moment you fill the form, you will get disqualified if you don't respect the deadline.
- You have to post a link to the official ann thread and official bounty thread on your local thread.
Ann thread : File for translation
Local Threads
Rozee : Indonesian thread
Bonzai: Turkish thread
alex9919: Italian thread
Fanten : Chinese thread
Check your participation status here
Stakes depending on the followers :
500-1000 followers : 3 stakes for 2 valid weeks
1000-3000 followers : 5 stakes for 2 valid weeks
3000-10000 followers : 8 stakes for 2 valid weeks
+10000 followers : 12 stakes for 2 valid weeks
+20000 followers : 16 stakes for 2 valid weeks ( you'll have to post on this thread your twitter audit to have 20 000 followers counted )
Instructions to participate :
- Follow the Crypterium twitter and then retweet their tweets
- Fill this Google form with your actual followers number
- You have to retweet a minimum of 15 tweets to have the stakes for the weeks and no more than 3 per days
- Report your retweets every 2 weeks in these forms to get the stakes :
Weeks 23/10 - 05/11 ( reports have to be sent on the 07/11 maximum)
Weeks 06/11 - 19/11 ( reports have to be sent on the 21/11 maximum)
Weeks 20/11 - 03/12 ( reports have to be sent on the 05/12 maximum)
Weeks 04/12 - 17/12 ( reports have to be sent on the 19/12 maximum)
Weeks 18/12 - 31/12 ( reports have to be sent on the 02/01 maximum)
Weeks 01/01 - 18/01 ( reports have to be sent on the 20/01 maximum)
- If you don't fill the form every 2 weeks, your participation will be disqualified.
- Your report has to be sent no later than 2 days after the end of the 2 weeks.
- You have to be at least Newbie to participate.
- The followers number is fixed and won't be changed after you filled the form.
- Do not retweet tweets that are answers to other users.
- Do not retweet everything in 1-2 days, retweets must be regular or you might be disqualified
Check your participation status here
Media, Videos, Forums & Blog Posts
Stakes are based on the quality of the content :
Low Quality : 20 stakes
Average Quality : 50 stakes
High Quality : 100 stakes
Instructions to participate :
- Fill this form with the link of your video/blog post/article once it's posted.
- Share your link here.
- Only original work is accepted, using the work of someone else or copy/pasting parts of the ann thread/website/whitepaper will disqualify your work(s)
- The blog must be at least 3 months old
- The blog/video/article must be public
- The blog post/article has to have at least 200 words
- The website/blog where you post the content has to be relevant and connected to crypto/financial world.
- Your article/blog post has to have a good writing quality
- You must have at least 50 subscribers on youtube for a video
- The video has to be of good quality
- Forums must be active, same for the thread, the author has to bring updates about Crypterium
- Maximum of 10 contents submitted per participant, the same article/blog post can only be posted 3 times on different websites by the same person and each reposting of the same article will get you half of the stakes of the first one
- Any content must have a link to our website and Bitcointalk thread ( in the description for videos)
Check your participation status here

Bounty Program
We hare happy to announce the Crypterium Official Bounty Program
3% of the total supply will be allocated to the Crypterium Bounty Program.
The program will run until the end of the token sale ( scheduled on the January 18th 2018)
We hare happy to announce the Crypterium Official Bounty Program
3% of the total supply will be allocated to the Crypterium Bounty Program.
The program will run until the end of the token sale ( scheduled on the January 18th 2018)
Bounty Allocation
Campaign 1 : Bitcointalk Signature - 50%
Campaign 2 : Translation & Moderation - 25%
Campaign 3 : Media, Videos, Forums & Blog Posts - 15%
Campaign 4 : Twitter - 10%
Campaign 1 : Bitcointalk Signature - 50%
Campaign 2 : Translation & Moderation - 25%
Campaign 3 : Media, Videos, Forums & Blog Posts - 15%
Campaign 4 : Twitter - 10%
General Terms
- The bounty campaigns starts at the moment of creation of this thread
- 3% is allocated to the bounty, the amount of rewards will depend on the token sale results
- The Bounty Manager can make slight changes in the Bounty Campaign if deemed necessary
- If your rank change during the campaign, PM the Bounty Manager Aerys2
- Using multi-accounts, cheating, using someone else to do the work and spamming or any kind of unethical behavior when participating to one of the campaigns are not allowed and will get you disqualified from all bounties.
Bitcointalk Signature
Stakes allocation for each rank :
Full Member: 4 stakes/day
Sr Member: 6 stakes/day
Hero/Legendary: 10 stakes/day
Instructions to participate :
- Add the signature corresponding to your rank level and the avatar and personal text
- Fill this Google form form
- Notify in this thread once you have the signature, avatar and personal text on
Rules :
- Participants have to be at least Full Member, do not apply if you are not at least Full Member- Signature, avatar and personal have to be kept until the end of the token sale (you will be notified on this thread when you can remove it, do not remove it until further instructions )
- A minimum of 15 meaningful posts per week must be made. 2 weeks without posting the minimum of 15 posts a week will get you disqualified. Off-topic, spam and burst posts will not be counted
- Posts must have a minimum length of 80 characters
- Posts are counted every sunday
- If you rank changes during the campaign, notify me.
- Accounts with negative trust from DT-2 or DT-1 are not allowed to enroll
- This Signature Bounty is limited to 100 participants only !
Check your participation status here

Personal Message
Crypterium - Digital Mobile Cryptobank For Everyone
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▐ █ CRYPTERIUM █ ▌▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
▐ █ Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform █ ▌
▀ ANN Thread ▀ Twitter ▀ Telegram ▀ Facebook ▀ Whitepaper ▀
▐ █ Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform █ ▌
▀ ANN Thread ▀ Twitter ▀ Telegram ▀ Facebook ▀ Whitepaper ▀
[font=arial][b][url=https://crypterium.io/][color=#001859]▀[color=#05205e]▀[color=#092763]▀[color=#0e2f69]▀[color=#12366e]▀[color=#1b4678]▀[color=#204d7e]▀[color=#255583]▀ [color=#2e648d]▀[color=#326c92]▀ [color=#3b7b9d]▀ [color=#448aa7]▀ [color=#4e99b2]▀ [color=#57a9bc]▀ [color=#60b8c7]▀ [color=#69c7d1]▀[color=#001859]▐ [color=#69c7d1]█[u] [/u][color=#001859][font=arial black]CRYPTERIUM[/font][color=#69c7d1][u] [/u][color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌[color=#69c7d1]▀ [color=#60b8c7]▀ [color=#57a9bc]▀ [color=#4e99b2]▀ [color=#448aa7]▀ [color=#3b7b9d]▀ [color=#326c92]▀[color=#2e648d]▀ [color=#255583]▀[color=#204d7e]▀[color=#1b4678]▀ [color=#12366e]▀[color=#0e2f69]▀[color=#092763]▀[color=#05205e]▀[color=#001859]▀
[color=#001859]▐ [color=#69c7d1]█[u] [/u][color=#001859]D[color=#021b5b]i[color=#041f5e]g[color=#062260]i[color=#082662]t[color=#0a2965]a[color=#0c2d67]l [color=#10336c]C[color=#13376e]r[color=#153a71]y[color=#173e73]p[color=#194175]t[color=#1b4578]o[color=#1d487a]b[color=#1f4b7c]a[color=#214f7f]n[color=#235281]k [color=#275986]W[color=#295d88]i[color=#2b608a]t[color=#2d638d]h [color=#316a91]C[color=#336e94]r[color=#367196]e[color=#387599]d[color=#3a789b]i[color=#3c7c9d]t [color=#4082a2]T[color=#4286a4]o[color=#4489a7]k[color=#468da9]e[color=#4890ab]n [color=#4c97b0]& [color=#509eb5]O[color=#52a1b7]p[color=#54a5b9]e[color=#56a8bc]n [color=#5bafc1]P[color=#5db2c3]l[color=#5fb6c5]a[color=#61b9c8]t[color=#63bdca]f[color=#65c0cc]o[color=#67c4cf]r[color=#69c7d1]m[u] [/u][color=#69c7d1]█ [color=#001859]▌[/url]
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[color=#001859][color=transparent]░░░░░░░░░░[/color]▀▀▀▀▀▀[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://crypterium.io/][font=calibri][size=14pt][b][color=#001859]Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform
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[color=#001859][color=transparent]░░░░░░░░░░[/color]▀▀▀▀▀▀[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://crypterium.io/][font=calibri][size=14pt][b][color=#69C7D1][glow=#001859,1][color=transparent].[/color]Digital Cryptobank With Credit Token & Open Platform[color=transparent].[/color][/glow]
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Translation and moderation
Stakes for each task :
Announcement thread translation : 100 stakes
Post from the thread author with a relevant news shared ( check for news on the official twitter/telegram/thread/ website for official news) : 20 stakes
Bonus if your thread has more than 1000 views : 50 stakes
Instructions to participate :
- Fill this Google form
- Notify in this thread when your translation is done, providing a link of the translation.
- A single post dead thread will get you disqualified and you may have a 50% penalty for very rare updates.
- One reservation per person
- Google Translator ( or other similar tools) work, bad quality work will get you disqualified, apply only if you are able to provide a high quality translation in the requested language.
- Will be counted only the posts bringing a relevant and new update, no spam or repeated unnecessary posts allowed.
- You have to provide an answer for any questions asked in your local thread, contact the team if you have doubts about an answer.
- Translations have to be posted only on Bitcointalk, no other forums.
- Wait for your approval in green to begin the work
- You have 6 days to finish your translation from the moment you fill the form, you will get disqualified if you don't respect the deadline.
- You have to post a link to the official ann thread and official bounty thread on your local thread.
Ann thread : File for translation
Local Threads
Rozee : Indonesian thread
Bonzai: Turkish thread
alex9919: Italian thread
Fanten : Chinese thread
Check your participation status here
Stakes depending on the followers :
500-1000 followers : 3 stakes for 2 valid weeks
1000-3000 followers : 5 stakes for 2 valid weeks
3000-10000 followers : 8 stakes for 2 valid weeks
+10000 followers : 12 stakes for 2 valid weeks
+20000 followers : 16 stakes for 2 valid weeks ( you'll have to post on this thread your twitter audit to have 20 000 followers counted )
Instructions to participate :
- Follow the Crypterium twitter and then retweet their tweets
- Fill this Google form with your actual followers number
- You have to retweet a minimum of 15 tweets to have the stakes for the weeks and no more than 3 per days
- Report your retweets every 2 weeks in these forms to get the stakes :
Weeks 23/10 - 05/11 ( reports have to be sent on the 07/11 maximum)
Weeks 06/11 - 19/11 ( reports have to be sent on the 21/11 maximum)
Weeks 20/11 - 03/12 ( reports have to be sent on the 05/12 maximum)
Weeks 04/12 - 17/12 ( reports have to be sent on the 19/12 maximum)
Weeks 18/12 - 31/12 ( reports have to be sent on the 02/01 maximum)
Weeks 01/01 - 18/01 ( reports have to be sent on the 20/01 maximum)
- If you don't fill the form every 2 weeks, your participation will be disqualified.
- Your report has to be sent no later than 2 days after the end of the 2 weeks.
- You have to be at least Newbie to participate.
- The followers number is fixed and won't be changed after you filled the form.
- Do not retweet tweets that are answers to other users.
- Do not retweet everything in 1-2 days, retweets must be regular or you might be disqualified
Check your participation status here
Media, Videos, Forums & Blog Posts
Stakes are based on the quality of the content :
Low Quality : 20 stakes
Average Quality : 50 stakes
High Quality : 100 stakes
Instructions to participate :
- Fill this form with the link of your video/blog post/article once it's posted.
- Share your link here.
- Only original work is accepted, using the work of someone else or copy/pasting parts of the ann thread/website/whitepaper will disqualify your work(s)
- The blog must be at least 3 months old
- The blog/video/article must be public
- The blog post/article has to have at least 200 words
- The website/blog where you post the content has to be relevant and connected to crypto/financial world.
- Your article/blog post has to have a good writing quality
- You must have at least 50 subscribers on youtube for a video
- The video has to be of good quality
- Forums must be active, same for the thread, the author has to bring updates about Crypterium
- Maximum of 10 contents submitted per participant, the same article/blog post can only be posted 3 times on different websites by the same person and each reposting of the same article will get you half of the stakes of the first one
- Any content must have a link to our website and Bitcointalk thread ( in the description for videos)
Check your participation status here
Whitepapper https://crypterium.io/wp/index.html?v=0.69
Twitter https://twitter.com/crypterium
My bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1043526
ETH : 0xb101dC14C6012D4faC2025a8f1Cdd4Daf1D9F154