ICO Providence (PVE) First Physical Crypto Casino & Resort

ICO Providence (PVE) First Physical Crypto Casino & Resort
Providence Bounty Program
100% Cashless Physical Crypto Casino & Resort

4 000 000 of the total amount of PVE tokens will be available for this Bounty campaign pool.  

Bitcointalk.org Signature Bounty - 30% - 1 200 000 PVE
Blogs and Media Bounty- 20% - 800 000 PVE
Translation and Moderation Bounty - 20% - 800 000 PVE
Facebook Bounty - 10% - 400 000 PVE
Twitter Bounty - 10% - 400 000 PVE
Linkedin Bounty - 10% - 400 000 PVE

Bounty campaign will run from 20.9.2017 till 30.11.2017  (might be extended for one week)

All Bounty participants have to join Providence Telegram group and subscribe on our web site for email updates

Below you can find more details about our bounty program, for every campaign you should fill a different form. Rewards will be calculated and updated every Wednesday until the end of Bounty campaign.

Bitcointalk.org Signature Bounty - 1 200 000 PVE

The signature codes and the avatar will be sent by email (20.9.2017 or 21.9.2017) to participants who fill this form
Don’t remove signature before campaign end. If you remove signature in the middle of the campaign you will not get your award
You have to make at least 8 posts each week
Only posts longer than 100 chars will be counted
Spamming is not accepted and all spammers will be disqualified
Discussion boards that will not count: Games and round, Micro earnings, Politics and Society, Off-topic, Archival, Auctions, Lending, Beginners and help, Press, Investor based games
The number of tokens is displayed in this google spreadsheet

Depending on their rank users will get a different number of tokens. Rank is fixed when you apply and will be changed only if requested 
RankStakes per week
Junior Member10
Full member30
Sr. member40
Hero member and Legendary80

If you join the avatar campaign, you will receive 10 additional stakes.
Blogs and Media Bounty - 800 000 PVE

Providence will give their tokens as an award for journalists, writers, and bloggers that help us spread the word about our project. 
You will get 100, 200, 300 or 500 stakes for an article depending on the quality, uniqueness, and distribution.

Article/post must be longer than 500 words
Fill this form
Content must be original
You can use our official images (from website, facebook, twitter etc)
The article/post must contain 2 links to our website
The accepted articles and award is displayed in this google spreadsheet

Translation and Moderation Bounty - 800 000 PVE

We will reward users who help us in translations of our Whitepaper, landing page and forum threads with PVE tokens.

Fill this form
We don't need any language for everything, so please don't start working until we approve you
Translations have to be original and professional, using google translate or other tool leads to disqualification
For moderation will only be counted constructive posts (100 and more chars) from the user who reserved a language
The status of your reward is displayed in this google spreadsheet

Whitepaper1000 stakes
Landing page500 stakes
ANN thread+Bounty Thread500 stakes
Moderation/Management:50 per valid post

Facebook Bounty - 400 000 PVE

Follow us on Facebook
Fill this form
Your account must have at least 300 friends
You have to share at least 3 posts from official providence facebook account per week (max 1 post per day)
Posts have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign
Facebook profile must be original. Inactive account or fake account will not be accepted
Steps how to submit a weekly report will be sent you by email
The number of stakes as a reward is displayed in this google spreadsheet

FriendsReward per week
0 - 1000 stakes
101 - 5005 stakes
501 - 100010 stakes
1001 +20 stakes

Twitter Bounty - 400 000 PVE

Follow us on Twitter
Fill this form
Your account must have at least 300 followers
You have to retweet at least 5 twits from official providence twitter account per week (max 2 per day)
You have to post at least 3 twits about Providence (with #providence, rettwits don’t count) per week (max 1 per day)
Posts have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign
Twitter account must be original. Inactive account or account with fake followers will not be accepted.
Steps how to submit a weekly report will be sent you by email
The number of stakes as a reward is displayed in this google spreadsheet

FollowersReward per week
0 - 2000 stakes
201 - 10005 stakes
1001 - 500010 stakes
5000 +20 stakes

Linkedin Bounty - 400 000 PVE

Follow us on Linkedin
Fill this form
Your account must have at least 100 connections
You have to share at least 3 posts from official providence LinkedIn account per week (max 1 post per day)
Posts have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign
Linkedin profile must be original. Inactive account or fake account will not be accepted
Steps how to submit a weekly report will be sent you by email
The number of stakes as a reward is displayed in this google spreadsheet

ConnectionsReward per week
0 - 990 stakes
100 - 50010 stakes
501+20 stakes

Out of Box Bounty

Providence reserved tokens for this campaign; it's an "out of the box" campaign. If you have an idea how you can help us to reach more people fill this form and let us know about your idea. If we like it, we will offer you a part of this tokens for executing that idea.

Bounty campaign will run from 20.9.2017 till 30.11.2017 (might be extended for one week)

All Bounty participants have to join Providence Telegram group and subscribe on our web site for email updates

ETH: 0xb101dC14C6012D4faC2025a8f1Cdd4Daf1D9F154